Living well is an art that can be developed ~Maya Angelou~

Alexandra Charalampidu
Psychologist in Mannheim
english, greek, german
Holistic Approach
Systemical Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Meditation
As a graduate psychologist, professional job coach and counsellor it is the central task for me to support you. We will focus on your health, work and private life and talk about the things that matter to you. Health is not only the absence of disease, but a general well-being. This is why my approach is holistic, structured and very individually at the same time. Together we choose the steps which will bring us to your desired goal.
What we do togther
At the beginning there is usually an inventory. To make decisions it is essential to know the important facts. Some of the things we include in the inventory might seem at first like obstacles. But weaknesses often contain useful strengths at the same time. Together we will discover, name and use those abilities. All the time the focus will be on your desired goals and also on more health and well-being.
Would you like to take one step closer towards your general well-being?

Love is a state of our being, which nudges you and your surroundings in a state of balance. Do everything you do from a place of love.
About me
Studies of Psychology
(degree Diplom/Master)
Psychologisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg
(main subjects: developmental, paedagogic and clinical psychology)
Systemical Counselor
many years of experience in career coaching
(HeilprG) private practice
Assessment Center Training for academics,
communication with children
Paedagogical Practice
infants, kindergarten, elementary scool
Research Assistant
developmental psychology in infants
Additional qualifications
mindfulnesstrainer for meditation
mindfulnesstrainer for stressmanagement
Psychologischer Psychotherapeut (still studying)
Yoga teacher (still studying)
Something personal about me:
"The grass does not grow faster if you pull it"
My favourite proverb (chinese)
Pontiam - Private practice for psychotherapy and coaching
The word Pontiam is rooted in the language of the Pontic Greeks. Pontia translates into the "woman from the Black Sea". She is looking towards the new possibilities that open up, the moment you start reflecting on your family history.
Pontiam stands for the connection with the ancestors as a Ressource.
Pontia is the feminine form of the word Pontios, a Greek who lived on the shores of the Black Sea, called Pontos. Pontiam means "my Pontia". The ancestors of today's Pontic Greeks left their former home, the Black Sea, in the 1920s. They migrated as refugees to Greece and other countries, like Germany, the USA and Australia. Their language, their music and their dances even today still connect people - all over the world.
Pontiam knows about challenges that come with migration. She knows about the strength, hope and love that she gets, when she connects with her roots. She has experienced the freedom that is gained through forgiveness and she seizes the creative possibilities that are offered by a new beginning.
What ressources do you pull out of the connection with your roots? Are you experiencing some big changes right now? Let us look together for the opportunities that come with every change and connect you with your inner strength. Contact me for a short free of charge session.
Humans always think. Even if we try not to think- we think about not thinking. So instead of trying to stop negative thinking we can substitute it. Research shows, that it brings great value to think consciously. For that matter you can find a multitude of approachs, possibilities, books and programms how to inspire yourself. On this page I would like to present to you a small variety. Take some time and get inspired!... and if it doesn`t inspire you? Maybe you would like to take some time and search through the internet. Enjoy!
Brene Brown:
"The power of vulnerability": TED-talk Video English
Jon Kabat-Zinn (University of Massachusetts):
Video in English: "Mindfulness-An introduction"
Mark Williams (University of Oxford):
Podcasts in English:
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Louise Hay:
founder Hay House, bestselling author
Video: examples on how to consciously think
German: Psychiater, Psychologe, Psychotherapeut - Kurze Erklärung der Begriffe
Book recommendations
Beattie, Melody: "CODEPENDENT"
Brown, Brene: "Daring greatly"
Cameron, Julia: "The artist´s way"
Kondo, Marie: "Magic Cleaning"
Kruse, Kevin: "15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management"
Satir, Virginia: "Making Contact"
Satir, Virginia: "Your many faces"
Singer, Michael: "The untethered soul"
Vanzant, Iyanla: "One day my soul just opened up"
Williamson, Marianne: "A Return to Love"
Woodward Thomas, Katherine: "Calling in the one"