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Spend Quality Time With Yourself




5 weeks to reconnect with your ancestors as an inner resource

  • 5 weeks / je 1 audiotraining 

  • 5 different topics: journaling prompts

  • meditations

  • 1 live Videotraining (live in the Telegram chanel)

  • Audios available for download

5 weeks to reconnect with your ancestors as an inner resource.


Our parents and grandparents - as much as we love and respect them - have given us quite a number of baggage that we now have to work through.

Easy can we be overlooking, through this process that they also have given us not only life, but also strengths that we use daily and don’t recognize as strengths, which are actually supporting us.


Becoming aware of the positive aspects your ancestors gave on to you, can cause a sense of peace - letting go of questions like „why did I not have this?“ - and it can give you a boost of energy, of gratitude, that you are part of this one specific family line. That you have been given the gifts, that you have been given.


Join me in the next 5 weeks and let’s water those roots, that connect you to your family. Let´s strengthen the feeling inside of you, to be a part from this specific family tree and focus on the gifts, on the fruits it has given to you.

We will look at the hurt. We will practice to let go of it step by step, even practice forgiveness and we will focus on aspects, that will have you feel your inner strength, rather then regret, when you think of your family.


How we will do this?


You will receive every week an audio from me with a specific teaching for the week. This will help you understand intellectually, why we are doing what we are doing. That is helpful, because our mind is usually the part of us that executes the inner resistance. So when we have an explanation, why we are doing what we are doing, this inner resistance gets smaller.

With the audio you will also get into the frequency of our weekly topic. While you are listening to me, parts of you resonate to the state of being (frequency) I am in, while talking to you. There will be some resonance, because this is how frequencies work.

You could also say, your mirror neurons are there, because we as humans, always have bodily reactions in our emotional state to the emotional state of other humans, that are communicating with us. So there is evidence, that we react to others and their state of being.

The audio is for you to listen to and get into that state to then do some journaling on the questions I will send you for the week.

Additionally you will get different meditations from me to quiet the chatter of the mind, when you want to dig deeper in your journaling and also to get into a certain state of being, depending on what we are focusing that week.


Please feel free to ask me any questions that come up along the way.

There will be one live session (out of this 5 teachings, one will be a live video session) which will of course be audio recorded and available afterwards for replay.


Special rate for the 5 week course until  Sunday 28th of July (email me until the 28th and send the payment within the following 2 days of sign up), 244,- EUR (regular price 280,- EUR).


We start the into the next month right away with our first video training on 1st of August, but of course you can join and go through the course in your own pace, at the time that is good for you. The audios will be available for download at your convenience.


The course is available in English and in German.

Description in German follows in the upcoming days.


START:     Thursday August 1st 2024


PRICE:     244,- EUR until 28th of Jul., then 280,- EUR



PM INSTA:    @alexandra_charalampidu



I am looking forward to see you in the course!

YES I want to commit to quality time with myself!


Back to your center, build your foundation

When you feel deeply rooted inside yourself, your values, your vision everything you do and everything you think is rooted in this essence of you and fed by it.


So from time to time it is helpful and necessary to pause and strengthen this connection, refocus and visit that place in you that is free from the chatter of the world. And this time is now beautiful one.


In THAT PLACE IN YOU you will strengthen your connection with you.


Precious 4 weeks to shape your connection to yourself in a way that you desire. Every experience that we have, changes us forever. We sure know this about the painful ones. Why not intentionally put ourself through a beautiful experience, an experience that will put us right on track on our path, towards our goals? 


Approximately 10-20 minutes daily. Is this to much of a commitment, if you can shape your own life with it?


Beautiful one, together we will give each day of the week, consciously a main focus, a purpose, to strengthen this foundation. Step by step fine tuning how you want to live and who you want to be - for yourself and for others. We will meditate together, you will receive questions to journal on, ideas on how to spend quality time with yourself. You will also receive little short videos from me explaining why we are doing, what we are doing the way we are.


This course is right for you, if you want to influence and shape how you feel. You do understand, beautiful one, that how you experience life starts with you and the way you choose to evaluate everything that is happening. You can look at life happening FOR you, giving you feedback, where you are on your path, so you can readjust instead of someone who is saying „why is this happening TO me?“. You can work on who you want to be, if you pause and you try to be as intentional as you can. I want you to be empowered after those 4 weeks and enjoy your freedom. The freedom of choice between the different approaches to life. YOUR precious unique life! I want for you to be comfortable, while you walk on your path. You special and unique path!


Each exercise you will try is a new experience with yourself. 


How will it feel for you? What are the benefits for you? Is there a special time for you to do it? When it is fun? 


I want you to enjoy walking on your own path and I don’t mean constantly 24/7, generally. The connection to our core is crucial for this. It gives us a sense of security and safety and we can exhale and lean back and enjoy the experience.



  • a special theme for each day of the week, which we will revisit for 4 weeks

  • two life video calls, where you can ask questions

  • audio files with guided meditations

  • journaling prompts

  • intention setting

  • gratitude

  • connection to the inner child

  • body connection

  • quality time with myself

This is a 4-week-course, you have the opportunity to purchase all 4 weeks at once:

Download 4-week-course for 444,- EUR (Part 1 and 2)

If you prefer to order the first 2-weeks and the last 2 weeks of the course separately, you can also do that:

Download Part 1&2 for 277,- EUR 

Download Part 3&4 for 277,- EUR

(You should listen to Part 1&2 first, before you continue with part 3&4) 

If you prefer to take the course one step at a time, one week after the other, you can purchase each of the 4 weeks separately:

Download Part 1 for 155,- EUR

Download Part 2 for 155,- EUR

(You should listen to Part 1 first, before you continue with part 2) 

Download Part 3 for 155,- EUR

(You should listen to Part 1&2 first, before you continue with part 3) 

Download Part 4 for 155,- EUR

(You should listen to Part 1,2&3 first, before you continue with 4) 



I am looking forward to be a part of your journey….

YES I want to commit to quality time with myself!


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